Community & Family Services
- Care Management Program
- Child Support Enforcement Unit
- Family Support
- HCBS Waiver
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Homeowner's Assistance Fund
- Individual Residential Alternatives (IRA)
- Individual Supports and Services (ISS) - Housing Subsidy Program
- Office of the Family Advocate
- Three Sisters Program
- Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation (TVR)
- Community Partnership Fund
- Economic Development
- Education
- Environment
- Executive Director's Office
- Finance
- Generations Park
- Grants & Contracts
Health Services
- A/CDP Outpatient
- A/CDP Prevention
- Partridge House (Inpatient)
- Ronthahiiohsthá:ke Clubhouse
- Business Office
- Centering Pregnancy
- Dental Clinic
- Health Promotion and Planning
- Laboratory
- Let's Get Healthy - Diabetes Center for Excellence
- Medical Clinic
- Mental Health - Kanikonri:ihne (Good Mind Counseling)
- Outreach Chronic Care Nursing
- Pharmacy
- School-Based Health Center
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Human Resources
- Office for the Aging
- Office of Emergency Management and Safety
- Planning and Infrastructure
- Social Services Division
- Tribal Historic Preservation Office
- Tribal Police
Mission: The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Office of Economic Development (OED) is committed to promoting economic self-sufficiency through the provision of training, technical assistance and financing designed to support the development of new and expanded businesses, which shall support a strengthened and diversified economy, while creating new employment opportunities.
447 Frogtown Road, Suite 202, 204, 208, and 210, Akwesasne
Weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 518-358-2835
Office of Economic Development | 518-358-2835 | |
Dwayne Thomas | Director | X1504 |
Raeann Adams | Assistant Director | X1502 |
Shelley Jacobs | Program Support Officer | X1501 |
Storm Adams | Placemaking Coordinator | X1510 |
Edward Smoke | Business Services Specialist | X1503 |
Akwesasne Travel | 518-358-4238 | Akwesasne Travel | |
Michelyne Tarbell | Travel Trade Manager | |
Mckenzee Lazore | Travel Office Coordinator | X1508 |
LaToya Rourke | Tourism Training Manager | X1506 |
| Marketing Specialist |
Training and Events
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