Community & Family Services
- Care Management Program
- Child Support Enforcement Unit
- Family Support
- HCBS Waiver
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Homeowner's Assistance Fund
- Individual Residential Alternatives (IRA)
- Individual Supports and Services (ISS) - Housing Subsidy Program
- Office of the Family Advocate
- Three Sisters Program
- Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation (TVR)
- Community Partnership Fund
- Economic Development
- Education
- Environment
- Executive Director's Office
- Finance
- Generations Park
- Grants & Contracts
Health Services
- A/CDP Outpatient
- A/CDP Prevention
- Partridge House (Inpatient)
- Ronthahiiohsthá:ke Clubhouse
- Business Office
- Centering Pregnancy
- Dental Clinic
- Health Promotion and Planning
- Laboratory
- Let's Get Healthy - Diabetes Center for Excellence
- Medical Clinic
- Mental Health - Kanikonri:ihne (Good Mind Counseling)
- Outreach Chronic Care Nursing
- Pharmacy
- School-Based Health Center
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Human Resources
- Office for the Aging
- Office of Emergency Management and Safety
- Planning and Infrastructure
- Social Services Division
- Tribal Historic Preservation Office
- Tribal Police
Tekahsterihá:ton Ratiriwahserón:nis
Teionkwarihwaienawà:kon- Community Services Building
Room 203
Phone: (518) 358-2272, extensions 2230 & 2210
Mission: The Office of Emergency Management and Safety's mission is to create a safe, secure and “disaster-resilient” Akwesasne through prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
The Office of Emergency Management and Safety's goal is to prepare Akwesasne to respond to, recover from and mitigate against natural and man-made emergencies and disasters. By achieving this goal, the Office of Emergency Management and Safety works with local, state and federal agencies. We provide assistance in writing standard operating plans, training and exercises for our seniors, families and youth. We promote Emergency Preparedness through wellness days, Seniorama, public service announcements and the Tribal newsletter, Kawennì:ios.
FEMA Emergency Management Framework for Tribal Governments course (L0580)
Akwesasne Residents Flood Preparedness
Family Preparedness Kit - Are You Ready Checklist
Plan & Prepare - Emergencies can happen at any time
Pets and Animals - Caring for our furry friends during a disaster
Preparedness Tips for Home - Extreme Cold
COVID-19 Documents:
Garage Sales And Outdoor Retail Sales Covid 19 Guidance
Mask Properly Kit 8 5X11