404 State Route 37, Akwesasne, NY 13655
Phone: (518) 358-3141 (Pharmacy: (518) 358-3143)
Medical Records Fax: (518) 358-6245

Weekdays (M-F): 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (MUST CALL - NO WALK-INS)
Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.


Mission: Body, Mind & Spirit in Harmony with our Environment.

The Administration Office of the Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services is directly responsible for the overall operation of the Health Program. The Saint Regis Mohawk Health Services employs over 155 staff, including per diem and contract.

Health Services funding includes the Indian Health Service, the New York State Department of Health, the Office of Mental Health, and the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports.

The Administration Office strives to ensure that our patients are treated with the respect, courtesy, and professionalism they deserve.

Drug Addiction Treatment Package (PDF 6.4 MB)

FCA Contractor, Vendor, Agent Letter

VIDEO - Moderna Vaccine Talk Show w/ Health Director Michael Cook and Clinical Director Dr. Benson Kelly (January 12, 2021)

A/CDP Outpatient

A/CDP Prevention

Partridge House (Inpatient)

Ronthahiiohsthá:ke Clubhouse

Business Office

Centering Pregnancy

Health Promotion and Planning

Let's Get Healthy - Diabetes Center for Excellence

Mental Health - Kanikonri:ihne (Good Mind Counseling)

Outreach Chronic Care Nursing

School-Based Health Center