Community & Family Services
- Care Management Program
- Child Support Enforcement Unit
- Family Support
- HCBS Waiver
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Homeowner's Assistance Fund
- Individual Residential Alternatives (IRA)
- Individual Supports and Services (ISS) - Housing Subsidy Program
- Office of the Family Advocate
- Three Sisters Program
- Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation (TVR)
- Community Partnership Fund
- Economic Development
- Education
- Environment
- Executive Director's Office
- Finance
- Generations Park
- Grants & Contracts
Health Services
- A/CDP Outpatient
- A/CDP Prevention
- Partridge House (Inpatient)
- Ronthahiiohsthá:ke Clubhouse
- Business Office
- Centering Pregnancy
- Dental Clinic
- Health Promotion and Planning
- Laboratory
- Let's Get Healthy - Diabetes Center for Excellence
- Medical Clinic
- Mental Health - Kanikonri:ihne (Good Mind Counseling)
- Outreach Chronic Care Nursing
- Pharmacy
- School-Based Health Center
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Human Resources
- Office for the Aging
- Office of Emergency Management and Safety
- Planning and Infrastructure
- Social Services Division
- Tribal Historic Preservation Office
- Tribal Police
Wathwishtatáhkwas tánon Rontatshennáhrha Kaianerenhseríson
Ionkwakiohkwaró:ron Tribal Administration Building
Room 214
Phone: (518) 358-2272 Ext. 2240
Grants and Contracts has been delegated the responsibility and authority to negotiate and enter into contracts/agreements, and oversee federal and state grants on behalf of the various divisions of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe.
The Grants and Contracts Office (GCO) supports the mission of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe by providing contracting and grant support to all divisions and programs. These services are to ensure program funds are utilized in a manner that is consistent with the applicable policies and regulations and to ensure that the Tribe practices fair and open competition on solicitations for goods and services.
E-mail: grants.contracts@srmt-nsn.gov
Documents that may be referenced in your contract:
- Native American Preference Policy (Amended 2021, V003)
- SRMT Safety Policy (September 2015) (Chapter 13 Applicable to Construction Contracts)
- Respiratory Virus Safety Policy V011 March 13 2024 (V011, March 2024)
- Solid Waste Management Code (2020)
- SRMT TCR 2008-81 Fire Prevention and Building Code Act
- SRMT 2019 Compliance-Building Permit Application and Inspection Fees
- False Claims Act (FAC) Contractor, Vendor, Agent Letter
- 2025 Corporate Compliance Policy Amended
The GCO also maintains functions for grant development services and management to ensure grant compliance. Grants Officers work with divisions and programs to administer and support projects to completion; they help manage a broad spectrum of programmatic reporting, including pre-award administration, management of agreements and contracts and award administration.
E-mail: tribal.grants@srmt-nsn.gov