A Remedial Action Plan is a required cleanup plan for all designated AOCs in the Great Lakes basin.

Each AOC approaches RAP development in different ways. Some have a "hands-on" style of involvement in the process while others delegate much of the decision-making to local groups or agencies within the AOC.


According to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, each RAP must include the following:

  1. A list identifying which of the 14 Beneficial Use Impairments are present and their causes
  2. The criteria for restoring the BUIs - taking into account local conditions and established in consultation with the local community
  3. Remedial measures to be taken, including identifying the parties that will be responsible for implementing these measures
  4. A summary of the measures taken and and their progress in removing the BUI
  5. The monitoring and evaluation program to track the remedial measures and how they lead to removing the BUI

The RAP includes management actions necessary for delisting. These are the reasonable and realistic actions that could be taken to remove the relevant BUIs and, hence, delist the AOC. These actions may not result in the immediate removal of a set of BUIs, but they are expected to remove the contaminant threat that will allow environmental conditions to improve over time and lead to eventual delisting of the AOC.

The RAP is updated on a regular basis to reflect changing local conditions. Cleanup projects may be completed showing progress, studies and analyses of BUI conditions may be completed and other issues may arise that show that BUIs are moving towards removal. RAPs are useful planning and tracking documents that reflect the dynamic nature of the AOC cleanup program. They reflect the ongoing cleanups and changes to the AOC in the pursuit of BUI removal and AOC delisting.

Current RAP Status as of Fall 2022


BUI #1 - Restrictions on Fish and Wildlife Consumption

BUI removal target date: 2030

Status: This BUI is contingent on the cleanup Grasse River Superfund site and finalization of TEK BUI removal criteria and management actions.

Recent progress: Remedial action completed in 2021. 2022 ice scour event blew out a portion of the remedial cap. Temporary cap to be placed this year. Permanent solution is being discussed (EPA, SRMT, DEC).

Next steps: Ongoing discussions with Mohawk Council of Akwesasne for 2024 coordinated fish contaminant sampling in both northern and southern portions of binational AOC with similar fish species and protocols pending finalization with SRMT, MCA and DEC.

BUI #3 - Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations

BUI removal target date: 2028

Status: Developing a habitat and population strategy to include management actions based on ongoing habitat assessments and finalization of TEK BUI removal criteria and management actions.

Recent progress: Summary of species richness and diversity of birds, anurans and fish completed for the completed wetlands assessment. Ongoing sturgeon telemetry study.

Next steps: Finalize TEK removal criteria. Riparian habitat assessment to be completed 2023.

BUI #4 - Fish Tumors of Other Deformities

BUI removal target date: 2027

Status: Awaiting post-remedy sampling verification study results

Recent progress: Partnership with MCA and SLRI to create a funky fish guide

Next steps: Work with SLR Cornwall AOC and MCA to coordinate joint delisting

BUI #5 - Bird/Animal Deformities or Reproductive Problems

BUI removal target date: 2025

Status: Incidence rates of deformities in avian species is not a concern. Furbearer and turtle status unverified.

Recent progress:

Next steps: Finalize TEK removal criteria and MAL

BUI #6 - Degradation of Benthos

BUI removal target date: 2030

Status: Dependent on permanent solution for the Grasse River ice scour event of 2022. Removal contingent upon verification that benthic recovery metrics are achieved and finalization of TEK BUI removal criteria and management actions.

Recent progress:

Next steps: Continuation of ongoing native mussel propagation efforts, for subsequent in-river placement. Implementation of benthic habitat enhancements (“Biosubstrate” placement) in the lower Grasse River and select areas of the St. Lawrence River/Turtle Cove dependent on permanent solution of Grasse River remediation project. Placement of native mussels (founder colonies) in the lower Grasse River and sections of the St. Lawrence River/Turtle Cove, after biosubstrate placement is complete.

BUI #14 - Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat

BUI removal target date: 2028

Status: Developing a habitat and population strategy to include management actions based on ongoing habitat assessments and finalization of TEK BUI removal criteria and management actions.

Recent progress: SAV/EV, shoreline and wetlands assessments completed. Riparian habitat assessment currently underway.

Next steps: Complete riparian habitat assessment. Build webmap which includes information/data from all recent habitat surveys that identifies potential restoration/enhancement project sites. Share with SRMT for discussion and site selection. Develop MAL. Finalize TEK BUI Removal criteria.