In order to remove the impairment, the following removal criteria must be met:

  • Concentrations of contaminants (particularly PCBs) in AOC fish and wildlife are not significantly higher than levels found outside of the AOC; OR concentrations of contaminants found in AOC fish and wildlife are below toxicity reference values, established criteria to protect piscivorous wildlife, or adverse effect levels documented in scientific literature; AND
  • Native fish species richness and diversity in AOC riverine and wetland habitats is equal to or greater than that found in similar habitats in the surrounding region; AND
  • Native wildlife species richness and diversity (including resident birds, amphibians, reptiles, and freshwater mussels) in AOC wetland and riverine habitats is equal to or greater than that found in similar habitats in the surrounding region; AND
  • Bald eagle, mink, lake sturgeon, otter, or other sentinel species are present and successfully reproducing in the AOC.

Additional removal criteria based upon the impairments to local Mohawk culture and traditions are being finalized and will be added after appropriate approvals and endorsements.

This BUI is also designated as impaired by the SLR AOC at Cornwall/Akwesasne.