Community & Family Services
- Care Management Program
- Child Support Enforcement Unit
- Family Support
- HCBS Waiver
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Homeowner's Assistance Fund
- Individual Residential Alternatives (IRA)
- Individual Supports and Services (ISS) - Housing Subsidy Program
- Office of the Family Advocate
- Three Sisters Program
- Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation (TVR)
- Community Partnership Fund
- Economic Development
- Education
- Environment
- Executive Director's Office
- Finance
- Generations Park
- Grants & Contracts
Health Services
- A/CDP Outpatient
- A/CDP Prevention
- Partridge House (Inpatient)
- Ronthahiiohsthá:ke Clubhouse
- Business Office
- Centering Pregnancy
- Dental Clinic
- Health Promotion and Planning
- Laboratory
- Let's Get Healthy - Diabetes Center for Excellence
- Medical Clinic
- Mental Health - Kanikonri:ihne (Good Mind Counseling)
- Outreach Chronic Care Nursing
- Pharmacy
- School-Based Health Center
- Home Improvement Supplement Program (HIP)
- Human Resources
- Office for the Aging
- Office of Emergency Management and Safety
- Planning and Infrastructure
- Social Services Division
- Tribal Historic Preservation Office
- Tribal Police
A permitted burn is any burn, under the Tribal Burn Regulation (SRMT Air Quality Burn Regulations PDF) that a person has written approval for conducting. Residential Burn Permits are free, Commercial Burn Permits are $50. Under the Tribal Burning Regulation, the only burning that can occur under a permit are:
- Land Clearing Materials.
- Community Burning Allowed by Permit.
- Specifically, Designated Burning Areas.
- Burning at an appropriate designated site of toxic, explosive, or dangerous materials; provided that such burning is done only in accordance with a permit that will be issued by the Director after written application. Such permit may only be issued after the Director determines that there is no other safe or economical method of disposal.
Such permit will be for a specific period and shall contain such conditions as are deemed necessary in the interest of health or safety.
You Cannot burn items categized as:
- Food Garbage: Food waste from food preparations
- Solid Waste: Includes garbage, refuse and sludges
- Municipal Solid Waste: Appliances, tires, batteries, and non-durable goods
- Household Hazardous Waste: Paints, aerosol cans, or substances that are harmful to human health/living organisms, or the environment.
- Refuse: dead animals, offal (butchering wastes), street sweepings
- Rubbish: paper and paper products, rags, furniture, plastics, auto parts, oil and petroleum products
- Broadcast Fires: fields, lawns, hayfields, crop fields.
(Link burn guideline brochure)
"To Burn or Not To Burn" about burn regulations, can be seen on the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's (YouTube Channel link)
CLICK HERE for access to the Burn Permit Portal
For questions and more information or how to apply, please contact;
(link burn permit portal)