Election to Take Place on June 4, 2011
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Election Board today announced the official list of electoral candidates in the upcoming tribal election. Candidates for Tribal Chief are Barbara A. Lazore, Ronald LaFrance Jr. and Cecil Garrow. Candidates for Tribal Sub-Chief are Gary Cole, Michael Conners, and Jennifer Standing Arrow.
All eligible voters wishing to vote by absentee ballots or the in-home voting for home bound eligible voters may now contact the Tribal Clerk’s Office.
Any questions regarding elections can be directed to the Election Board members Christine Horn, Mark Martin, Betty Roundpoint and Katrina Jacobs at 518-358-2272. Any question regarding your voting eligibility can be directed to Tribal Clerk’s office at 518-358-2272.
For more information contact the Public Information Office at 518-358-2272 ext. 285.