Written by
Content Admin
Published on
May 04, 2015
Tribal Clerk:
- Corleen Jackson Jacco, nominated by Kaylee Jacco and seconded by Shaylan Jacco
- Betty Roundpoint, nominated by Roy Tarbell and seconded by Alexander Roundpoint
- Vicki Herne, nominated by Azia Hart and seconded by Renee Hart
Tribal Sub-Chief:
- Margaret Ransom, nominated by Lacey Herne and seconded by Frances Jacobs-Felix
- Ruth Herne Bell, nominated by Lois Thomas and seconded by Wanda Fuller
- Cheryl Jacobs, nominated by Leona Francis and seconded by Terry Garrow
- Randi Barreiro, nominated by David White and seconded by Lorretta Rourke
- Eric Thompson, nominated by Sally Hamelin and seconded by Alexander Roundpoint
Tribal Chief:
- Tracey Sunday-Cook, nominated by Raymond Cook and seconded by Sally Hamelin
- Eric Thompson, nominated by Bill Loran and seconded by Harvey Thompson, Sr.
- Phillip Tarbell, nominated by Jeffery Tarbell and seconded by Lois Thomas
- Peter John Burns, nominated by Pete Burns and seconded by Cecelia Herne
- Gloria Herne, nominated by Benjamin Kelly Sr. and seconded by Joseph Jacobs