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Three Sisters Program Receives Grant to Enhance, Support Tribal Justice and Safety

Department of Justice Awards $515,000 for Three Years

The Three Sisters Program is thrilled to announce a three-year, $515,000 grant from the Office of Violence Against Women. The grant is part of a $90 million effort to enhance law enforcement practices and sustain crime prevention and intervention in nine purpose areas including public safety and community policing, justice systems planning, alcohol and substance abuse, corrections and correctional alternatives, violence against women, juvenile justice and tribal youth programs. The funds will be used to provide a safe location for the program, temporary shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and salaries for five staff members.

“These programs take a community-based and comprehensive approach to the root causes and consequences of crime, as well as target areas of possible intervention and treatment,” said Associate Attorney General West. “The CTAS programs are critical tools to help reverse unacceptably high rates of crime in Indian country, and they are a product of the shared commitment by the Department of Justice and tribal nations to strengthen and sustain healthy communities today and for future generations.”

The Three Sisters Program originated as the STOP DV Program in 1998. The program has grown to include a Supervised Visitation and Exchange program, provides temporary emergency shelter to victims, and has the opportunity to provide services from two Domestic Violence Advocates and one Sexual Assault Advocate.

The Three Sisters Program is grateful to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Grant’s Researcher, Lornie Swamp, Commissioner of the Social Services Division, Amber Montour, the Tribal Court and the Tribal Police. “The continued support from all programs in Akwesasne is what helps our program thrive. We are eternally grateful to work each and every one of you,” states Amber Montour, Commissioner of the Division of Social Services.

Domestic violence and sexual assault affects an increasing number of people in our community every year. The Three Sisters Program, in collaboration with Tribal Police and the Social Service Division Program, are committed to helping families in crisis. Chief Beverly Cook commented, “We all have the responsibility to be the voice of victims of domestic violence and to act on their behalf. This grant strengthens a critical safety net in Akwesasne.”

This award was made possible through the department’s Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS), a single application for tribal-specific grant programs. A complete list of the 2013 awards is available at

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For more information contact the Communications Department at 518-358-2272.

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