The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) is in the process of updating the Long-RangeTransportation Plan for the Tribal Transportation Program. The purpose of the plan is to identify the future transportation needs of the SRMT for the next 20 years. The accompanying map shows the roadways and facilities that comprise the SRMT transportation network, which are official routes on the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory (NTTFI) eligible for federal funding for reconstruction, repair, or maintenance.
Due to COVID-19, public meetings are not possible at this time therefore; the SRMT Transportation Department is conducting public outreach and interaction through other means. We ask that you please review the map and return any transportation-related issues that might concern the SRMT by August 31, 2020 to:
Brent Herne, Construction Manager
Email: or
Elizabeth McDonald, Administrative Assistant