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SRMT Emergency Operations Center Issues Gathering Restriction

NYPA 5351

AKWESASNE — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) announced it has taken further action to protect our family and friends from the community spread of COVID-19. Pursuant to the authority granted to the EOC through Tribal Council Resolution 2020-23A, the EOC Team is imposing a new restriction on gatherings under the jurisdiction of the Tribe that threaten the health, safety, and welfare of Akwesasne.

The new directive does not apply to local businesses or public gatherings that have taken precautions and worked proactively on a COVID-19 Safety Plan with the EOC. The EOC Team’s directive is intended to deter community spreader events, such as large parties and other social gatherings in uncontrolled environments where there are no safety protocols.

The gathering restriction is in response to the significant rise in recent weeks of positive cases, with more than one hundred of our relatives ordered to quarantine. As a result, based on the outbreak that Akwesasne experienced after the Halloween weekend, the EOC Team is urging everyone to keep the following restriction in mind for the upcoming holiday season.

Effective Tsiothórhrha/December 11, 2020 individuals shouldn’t have indoor gatherings in uncontrolled environments in excess of 10 people who are not members of your “immediate family bubble,” or 25 people for outdoor gatherings. This includes gatherings with those who do not reside in your home where there is no mask wearing, handwashing, social distancing, screening questions, temperature checks, or logging of attendance.

Any person hosting an uncontrolled gathering shall be subject to a civil fine up to $1,500 (U.S.) for the first offense, with repeated offenses being fined up to $5,000 (U.S.). If no individual is identified, the fine shall be issued to the property owner or tenant.

Failure to pay the fine for uncontrolled gatherings will impact the individual’s “good standing” with tribal programs for receiving services and potentially their business license(s). Non-members found in violation of this directive may be subject to the Tribe’s Non-Member Exclusion Policy.

A full copy of the SRMT Emergency Operations Center Gathering Restriction Directive 2020-001 is available on the Tribe’s website at It can also be requested from the Tribal Clerk’s Office by calling (518) 358-2272.

The EOC Team respectfully asks that all individuals comply with the gathering restriction to help prevent the community spread of COVID-19 in Akwesasne.

For any COVID-19 related emergency matters, please call the Tribe’s EOC at (518) 320-0019.

Eoc Gathering Restriction Directive 2020 001


The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is the duly elected and federally recognized government of the Saint Regis Mohawk People