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New Police Commission Schedules Open Meeting

On Monday, July 1, 2013, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Chief Judge Peter Herne swore in five (5) new Police Commission members who will serve five year terms: Wendy Adams, Robert Cole, Rowena General, Rudy Hart and John Ransom. Adams will act as Chairperson in the first year with Ransom, General, Hart and Cole each serving respective one-year terms as Chairperson from 2014 to 2018.

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe has inherent sovereign authority to govern and provide for the health and safety of its citizens, residents, visitors and territory. Through its sovereign authority the Tribe created a Police Commission through Tribal Council Resolution 92-111 and the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Commission Act of 1994. The current Act will be completely amended with the adoption of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Police Commission Act of 2013.

The purpose of the Act is to provide oversight of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department by providing independent supervision of the Chief of Police. The goals of the Commission are to support the Tribe’s goal of self-sufficiency and sovereignty through the implementation and enforcement of tribal laws, regulations and ordinances and to provide the Community with a professional and effective law enforcement agency that is responsive and respectful while serving the Community.

The Commission will be meeting on a monthly basis with the first 20 minutes of each meeting open to the public. The public portion of the meeting will include:

  • A report by the Chief of Police;
  • Review of any policies and procedures; and
  • Public comment period.

The first open meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council Executive Boardroom.

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For more information contact the Public Information Office at 518-358-2272.