Akwesasne, NY - Effective immediately, the entire eastern portion of Generations Park will be closed until further notice. This include the Generations Park main field, pavilion, playground, basketball court, Travis Solomon Memorial Lacrosse Box and the practice field. It is anticipated that this partial closure will remain in effect throughout the month of Ohiarí:ha/June. Further updates will be provided as they become available.

The Tewathahita Walking Trail and Trail Field remain open and available for public use. Parents are urged to keep a close watch over their children while utilizing the trail.

This decision was made upon the joint recommendation of the SRMT Safety Officer, Emergency Planning Officer Manager and Generations Park staff as a precaution to prevent serious injury and to ensure the health and safety of our youngest community members.

“Heavy construction in close proximity to a children’s playground has the potential for injury with large construction vehicles passing through Business Park Road on a continuous basis. We must close the eastern portion of the park to prevent such an event from occurring,” SRMT Safety Officer Adrian McDonald.

Generations Park staff has contacted groups directly affected by the closure. They will be working to share the trail field to ensure equitable use among user groups.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Mary F. Terrance, Generations Park Recreation Coordinator for concerns or questions. She can be reached weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by calling (518) 358-9009, by e-mail, generations.park@srmt-nsn.gov or after hours for emergencies on the Generations Park Facebook Messenger.

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