Pexels brotin biswas 518543

Community Announcement - Temporary Boat Launch Under Construction

Construction of a temporary boat launch will be a one-day project scheduled for Friday, April 13, 2012. The project will re-establish an existing access point along Church Street in Akwesasne to accommodate boat access to the reservoir for Thew Associates. Thew will perform a Sediment Assessment Study. After a dry run with a boat and trailer, additional work is necessary to allow for safe access to the reservoir.

Brookfield Renewable Power provided a plan to comply with the conditions of the Project 401 Water Quality Certificate. Excavation will need to be performed up to waters edge to remove any high spots; filter fabric and fill (2 inch crushed gravel) will be added in low areas from water’s edge to Church Street. Four to five rocks will be removed from the reservoir to allow for a clear path once the boat enters the water. These rocks are approximately 15 inches in diameter, which will not require excavation. They are located about four feet from the shoreline, in one foot of water.

The rock removal from the reservoir is not expected to require excavation. The work area will be protected with a full-length silt curtain. The curtain will isolate the work area from the flow of the river. The silt curtain will be anchored at shore on both ends and weighted at the bottom. It will extend past the work area and won’t be disturbed by any equipment. The silt curtain will remain in place until construction is complete. No sediment analysis or disposal is proposed for the work. All excavated material will be used as fill along the boat access path. No construction equipment will enter the reservoir waters.

All work will be confined to a small area. Temporary containment will be installed in the immediate work area. All constructions activities will be monitored for turbidity outside of the containment area and immediate corrective measures if necessary. For more information or questions please call Tony David at Environment at 518-358-5937.