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4-H Mentoring Program Resumes at Salmon River

St. Regis Mohawk School Now Included

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Division of Social Services is working closely this year with a Franklin County Cornell Cooperative Extension funded program - the 4-H Mighty Shamrocks, coordinated by Connie Gerow.

The 4-H Mighty Shamrock program works with administrators and teachers within the Salmon River Central school system to identify student mentors who are willing to work with younger, high-risk students. Mentors are selected based on criteria such as personality, compassion and work ethic. These hand-picked student mentors are encouraged to develop a relationship based on trust and encouragement.

The federal grant was submitted after Tribal Council Resolution (TCR) 97- 42, At Risk Funding Search and was administered through the Office of Justice and Juvenile Delinquency Program of New York State. The grant, initially approved for over $1 million soon was disseminated to 4H programs who were affiliated with native tribes throughout the United States. Affiliation with the Tribe’s Division of Social Services program was also crucial, as they are able to connect to students who will fit the guidelines and refer them to the program.

Connie Gerow, former teacher at the Salmon River School District comments on the program and extending partnerships. “We were based solely at Salmon River Central and this year we are going to extend to the Mohawk School as well,” remarks Mrs. Gerow. This particular partnership works well as the Mohawk School, located in Akwesasne , N.Y., is a sister school to Salmon River Central and shares in many extracurricular activities and programs.

Students who choose to volunteer as a mentor for the program will be given the opportunity to work and learn alongside younger students, while bolstering their college applications in the process. “Colleges these days are competitive, so volunteer work in this area can only help,” closes Gerow.

The 4-H Mighty Shamrocks program will be starting at the beginning of the school semester and recruiting efforts have already begun for high school students willing to help. Additional information can be located on Facebook at CCE-SRC 4-H Mentors.

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For more information contact the Public Information Office at 518-358-2272.

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