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The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is seeking a qualified individual to serve on the Police Commission, comprised of three (3) tribally enrolled members. The current Scope of Authority of the Police Commission in accordance with the Police Commission Act (the “Act”) (TCR 2020-28) is to supervise the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Chief of Police, review/recommend policies and procedures, and oversee hearings of formal charges against Police Officers or personnel, and in certain circumstances hear appeals of personnel complaints.

Tribal Council appoints Police Commissioners for a three (3) year term through a Tribal Council Resolution. The Police Commission shall perform all tasks required by the Act including, but not limited to the following:

a. The Commission shall appoint, supervise, discipline, and terminate the Chief of Police, including an annual performance evaluation of the Chief of Police and the Department;

b. The Commission shall review the Department’s annual proposed budget and shall provide recommendations to the Chief of Police regarding the Department’s finances prior to its submission to the Tribal Council for approval;

c. The Commission shall work towards increasing public awareness of the Commission and the Police Department to include providing public notice of its monthly meeting; and

d. The Commission shall provide a monthly report to Tribal Council, as well as an annual report.

Required qualifications:

a. Be member of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe;

b. Possess a minimum of a high school diploma or GED, with a preference for a post-secondary degree;

c. Pass a drug test and criminal background check;

d. Possess supervisory capability, with experience preferred;

e. Possess relevant and significant qualifications and experience. Areas of Human Resources, Law, and Policing/Public Safety are preferred;

f. Submit proof of supervisory training or willingness to take training within one (1) year; and

g. Be willing to maintain communication through technology and be accessible;

Candidates may request a copy of the Act from Cathy Mitchell, Executive Assistant/Board Liaison at 518-358-2272.

All qualified candidates must submit a letter of interest outlining the required qualifications possessed with a current resume to Cathy Mitchell at or in person/by mail by November 10, 2022 to:

Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe

Attention: Cathy Mitchell

71 Margaret Terrance Memorial Way

Akwesasne, NY 13655