The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is seeking one (1) tribal member to serve as an alternate on the Board for a term of three (3) years. The Election Board directs and manages the security and integrity of Caucus, Elections and Referendums in accordance with the Tribal Election and Referendum Ordinance (the “Ordinance”). Alternates are expected to attend Election Board meetings and be prepared to act during the absence, resignation, recusal or vacancy of a board member. Compensation is provided based on a rate set by Tribal Council. The Election Board shall perform all required responsibilities as identified in the Ordinance including, but not limited to:

  • Provide public notices of the date, time, and place for Caucus, Elections, and Referendums;
  • Provide information on candidate and voter eligibility;
  • Call for and receive nominations;
  • Confirm candidates meet the eligibility criteria, in accordance with the Ordinance; Prepare ballots;
  • Ensure at least one (1) Tribal Police Officer is present at polling stations from opening to closing and witness the counting process;
  • Prior to start of any voting, verify that all ballot boxes are empty with a Tribal Police Officer acting as witness;
  • Supervise the counting of ballots at the polling closure;
  • Prepare request to ensure ballot boxes are available for voting;
  • Prior to elections, arrange personnel to work during the election or referendum;
  • Ensure a sufficient number of voting booths;
  • Provide tally sheets to record election results;
  • Officially and publicly announce election results;
  • Maintain accurate and organized records of all elections, referendums, petitions, and any other documents related to the administration of the Ordinance; and Maintain records of decisions, to base future decisions and ensure consistency and uniformity of the law.


To serve on the Election Board, individuals must meet the criteria of an eligible voter, which include the following:

a. Be at least eighteen (18) years of age.

b. Be an enrolled member of the SRMT.

c. Reside in the U.S. or in the U.S. portion of Akwesasne for at least six months.

d. Name must be on the most current eligible voters list.


All qualified candidates must submit a letter of interest and current resume to the Office of Boards and Commissions at or in person/by mail to:

Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe ATTN: Election Board Selection Committee

71 Margaret Terrance Memorial Way Akwesasne, NY 13655

Deadline: Open until filled