Tekwanonhwerá:ton | Greetings! Please join the Tribal Council for the Tribal Monthly Meeting. Reminder that you may submit general questions to meetings@srmt-nsn.gov before the meeting.
Tentative agenda items will be announced when they are made available.
Tribal members who want to join virtually must register before 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28th, by going to: https://us06web.zoom.us/.../tZIvf...
The online registration process allows the Tribal Clerk’s Office to verify tribal enrollment, as monthly tribal meetings are intended for membership only.
Following verification, you will receive an approval e-mail from Zoom with a link to “Join Meeting”. Save the e-mail and make it easily accessible on your computer to avoid delays when joining. Please join the meeting at least 10 minutes before testing your computer’s audio to pose questions or provide comments.
Tribal members attending in person do not need to register in advance.
The Monthly Tribal Meeting agenda package and presentations will be available on the Tribal Members Portal before the meeting. For personal assistance accessing the Portal, please contact the Tribe’s Communications Department at (518) 358-2272 or email communications@srmt-nsn.gov.
Note: In accordance with the Tribal Procedures Act, there shall be no discussions of a personal nature or regarding personnel. If you have any personal or personnel concerns, please contact the Tribal Council directly. We hope you enjoy the meeting!